The boys have grown quite attached to the arcade, often demanding to play the "fighting game". Thats right. No pacman, no space invaders, no wonderboy. They are only concerned with one thing; brutally tearing each other apart with animated avatars. I am so PROUD!
Unfortunately these gladiatorial encounters are rather one sided. Jasper has picked up the concept like a young Luke Skywalker, jumping and ducking while pushing several buttons at once. He never saw me do this, he just figured it out by using the force. Eli is the exact opposite. He is more like Ja Ja Binks. He has no force. He is negative in the force. He REALLY has no Kung Fu. (Eli you are still cool BRO)He thinks he is just watching a particularly violent cartoon, which curiously always ends with the guy on his side of the TV dead.
I know you are all thinking that little kids shouldn't play violent games, maybe you're right. Strangely though it doesn't seem to stir them. In fact they fight less during the day if they know they will get a turn on the "fighting game" at night. Still, I did notice Jasper attempting to axe kick a stuffed animal. Weird.
I reckon it would be a great way to sort out differences. Having a disagreement with the wife? Throw on Mortal Kombat and sort it out pixel style. Last time we fought I think Renae won the argument by removing my spine. Ouch. And not at all allegorical.